How to add some color to your wicker furniture

Wicker furniture comes in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors. With this in mind, you might like the design of a particular piece of furniture, but not its color. Or perhaps you have an old piece of wicker furniture with chipped or peeling paint that needs a recolor. Luckily, one of wicker furniture’s greatest assets is its adaptability to different paint schemes.

If you’re thinking about painting your wicker furniture, there are a few things you should do before you get started. First, you should make sure your furniture is clean and free of any flecks of dirt or old pieces of paint that would disrupt the painting process. You can use a vacuum cleaner and a small brush to get rid of all the stray particles. You can also use a wire brush to remove blotches of old paint. After this, gently wash the furniture with a sponge and soapy water.

The next step is to prepare the furniture for painting. If you like, you can sand the rough edges of your furniture to help with paint adhesion, but take care not to damage it. It’s probably best not to use sandpaper with a grit above 100. Then, it’s important to apply an oil-based wood primer. Primers increase paint adhesion and durability, ensuring that your paint will stick and last for a long time.

After this, it’s time for the painting. You can use a spray can, a compressor sprayer, or a good old-fashioned brush to cover your furniture with your choice of oil-based paint. Some designers recommend using a compressor sprayer, as it is both quick and economical, as it uses up much less paint than a spray can.

As you’re painting, there are a few details to keep in mind. Take care not to inhale paint fumes if you decide to paint indoors. A respirator mask and good ventilation are essential for this part of the process. Also, it is very difficult to stop spray cans and compressor sprayers from hitting the areas surrounding your furniture. Because of this, it is best to move your other furniture out of the painting area and to use a drop cloth and maybe a tent or spray shelter if painting outside.

Blog submitted by Wicker Paradise. Wicker Paradise has a variety of high quality wicker furniture products that you’re more than welcome to repaint if you’d prefer a different color for a specific design.