How Paris Hilton ended up in line to inherit billions – part 2

Paris Hilton was born into a wealthy family. Her father Richard Hilton is one of eight children born to William Barron Hilton I, who is currently co-chairman of the Hilton Hotel chain, and his wife Marilyn Hawley.

William  Barron Hilton’s children

  • William Barron Hilton, Jr. (born 1948)
  • Hawley Anne Hilton (born 1949)
  • Stephen Michael Hilton (born 1950)
  • David Alan Hilton (born 1952)
  • Sharon Constance Hilton (born 1953)
  • Richard Hilton (born 1955)
  • Daniel Kevin Hilton (born 1962)
  • Ronald Jeffrey Hilton (born 1963)

William Barron Hilton I was the son of the founder of the Hilton Hotels chain, Conrad Hilton Sr.

Conrad Hilton Sr. had practically disinherited his children, leaving the majority of his fortune to the Roman Catholic Church, but his son William Barron Hilton I was able to win a suit which he filed to contest the will.

It would seem though that there’s no love lost between William Barron Hilton I and his children any more than there had been between Conrad Hilton Sr. and his children, because just the same way Conrad Hilton Sr. willed his money to the church, William Barron Hilton I is said to have pledged 97% of his fortune to a charitable foundation.

So what will Paris Hilton inherit if anything?

With 2.3 billion to his name, if William Barron Hilton I gives 97% of his fortune to charity, it would mean leaving a mere $69 million to be divided among his 8 children. Each child would get about $8,625,000. Richard Hilton, Paris Hilton’s father, would have 5 people to consider in deciding how to handle his share of the $69 million. If he decided to divide it equally among his wife and children, Paris would get about $1,725,000. That’s considerably less money that she makes in a year from her various pursuits.

The only way Paris could possibly inherit billions would be for all her aunts and uncles, her father, mother and two of her siblings to die. Then, assuming her grandfather doesn’t give away 97% of his fortune to charity, she and her remaining sibling could evenly split the $2.3 billion. Paris Hilton would then manage to get onto Forbes billionaires list with a fortune totaling $1.1 billion.

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