One minute art therapy courtesy of T.Chiu via

I’ve said I suffer with depression and sometimes go through such severe bouts that I become desperate and suicidal. Depression is a difficult illness to live with and so I am trying every day to fight it in whatever ways I can. I won’t pretend I started this blog as a way to help myself cope with depression. I started it as part of a business venture for the purpose of making money; but at this point I don’t think it will be helping me in my quest to become a rich woman. However, it is helping me to work my way through my mental illness hour by hour day by day; and if it serves the purpose of helping me heal myself then that’s more than worth the time I’m investing into it. Here are some pictures I’ve just viewed on to distract myself from self-defeating thoughts. They are renditions of prints by an artist whose name is T. Chiu.


  • Cappuccino, Roma
  • Latte, Paris
  • In the Tropics
  • Teapot and Iris
  • Family Values Woman
  • Espresso, Pisa

Find T. Chiu’s work on

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