Oprah Winfrey is a rich woman but she’s not the richest woman in the world

There continues to be confustion about Oprah Winfrey’s position on the list of richest women in the world. Of the 1,125 richest people on earth, Oprah Winfrey comes in at #462. She shares this position with 40 other people.  As far as the richest women in the world, there are around 35 women ahead of Oprah on the 2008 list of the richest women in the world.

Among the 41 people ranking #462, Oprah is one of 5 women in that position. The others are Penny Pritzker, Wilma Tisch, Leonore Annenberg and Lynn Schusterman. They all have a net worth of $2.5 billion.

Images: Oprah Winfrey – AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast , Leonore Annenberg – AP Photo/The Philadelphia Orchestra Association, Alan Kolc, Wilma Tisch -Loews Corporation

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