Rich & Skinny denim line

There’s a line of jeans called “Rich & Skinny”, designed by Michael Glasser who was previously with 7 for all mankind jeans. The new line is designed in conjunction with Joie Jeans.

From the name of line you might be tempted to think the jeans will only fit skinny women and that only women with money will be able to afford them.

In actuality it seems you don’t necessarily have to be skinny to wear Rich & Skinny jeans. They apparently have styles that can fit people who aren’t skinny.

The name Rich & Skinny would seem to refer to the jeans style and quality. The line is mostly “skinny” jeans, although there are other styles of jeans available. Presumably, the quality is such that the jeans will make you look rich and skinny.

You do still need to be able to afford to spend $200 on a pair of jeans as that’s the average price of a pair of Rich & Skinny jeans.

Speaking of skinny jeans, if you ever thought you had to be skinny to look good in a pair of skinny jeans you should take a look at this photo of Jennifer Hudson in skinny jeans. She’s hardly skinny and she looks great in her tight skinny jeans. She also looks great in her body and happy with her curves.

The name Rich & Skinny might rub a few people the wrong way. It makes it sound as if being rich and being skinny makes someone better and more important than anyone who isn’t rich or skinny.

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