Skinny miserable rich bitch vs fat happy pauper

Dear Rich Bitch, here’s a question for you? Would you rather be skinny and rich but miserable? Or would you rather be fat and poor but happy? Enquirer

Dear Enquirer, that’s a very interesting question and honestly not as easy to answer as it should be.

Obviously  I should immediately reply that I would rather be fat and poor but happy, because if I said I would rather be skinny and rich but miserable I would come off sounding shallow, vain and materialistic.

However I’m not sure it would be entirely honest if I were to say I would rather be fat and poor but happy.

If I could be fat without having to be subjected to ridicule or made to feel ashamed for being fat, and if I could be poor without having the stress of worrying about how bills would get paid, then given a choice between being skinny and rich but miserable and being fat and poor but happy, I would choose to be fat and poor but happy.

But considering the  world in which we live, fat poor and miserable is more likely than fat poor and happy in which case if I’m going to be miserable anyway I’d rather be skinny and rich.

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