Warren Buffet is a married man but that doesn’t mean there’s no hope for you to charm your way into his pockets

Warren Buffett and his new wife Astrid Menks. Photo: AP
Warren Buffett and his new wife Astrid Menks. Photo: AP

Apparently, while Warren Buffet was married to his first wife, Susan Buffet, he also had a relationship with a woman named Astrid Menks. His wife knew about it and was okay with it. In fact it would seem she even encouraged it. Susan Buffet is now deceased and Warren apparently married Astrid Menks a couple of years ago; so there might be an opening for someone to fill Astrid’s abandoned role, and you might not necessarily need to be 22 and look like a Victoria’s Secret model to get the part.

You’d better have the talent of an Oscar worthy actress, however. There’s probably no shortage of girls trying to get their hands into Warren Buffet’s pockets on a daily basis. He can probably smell a gold digger a mile off and is unlikely to be as easy to snare as J Howard Marshall was for Anna Nicole Smith. Read more about Warren Buffet and Astrid Menks

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